Tuesday, December 1, 2015

My Heart's Cry - Nate Fortner - Christian Country Music

My Heart's Cry

Have you ever noticed how a certain song will come along sometimes, and it just messes you up on the inside? It has the perfect words, perfect music, and it just seems to stop you in your tracks. Well, I wrote a song that has had this effect on me. While going through the absolute most devastating trial of my life, I had a line come into my heart. "How can I embrace the thought of your grace, when I can't see past the shame of my disgrace?" I knew I was supposed to write a song using this line, but it didn't come until a year later sitting in my hotel room in Nashville, TN. Leaning over that hotel room desk, I penned down the rest of the words to "Renew Me I Pray." This song is my heart's cry, and everyday I have to pray, "Lord, renew me, I messed up." At my lowest point, I looked up to God and begged for mercy. I pleaded for God to give me just one more chance. Refine me. Renew me Lord, I pray. I had run so far from God that I found myself sitting at a barstool looking for hope in an empty bottle. I think of how Jesus shed His blood for each of us on the cross, and I can't help but think that His blood cried out our names as it hit the earth. I have victory knowing that the veil can no longer hold Him bound, and He is with me even in the darkest of nights!

Nate Fortner - Christian Country Music
P.O. Box 1513
Boaz, AL. 35957

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